Tsar Nicoulai Caviar

Tsar Nicoulai Caviar

Distributor, Farm, Processor, Wholesaler
CA, United States
Contact Information

As pioneers of farming sturgeon for caviar for over 30 years, Tsar Nicoulai Caviar’s mission has always been, and continues to be, providing quality caviar that rivals the traditional imported varieties. By offering an alternative to the caviar harvested from wild sturgeon, and indoor chemically treated international farms, they are able to alleviate the demand for imported caviar thereby ensuring the survival of sturgeon species for generations to come. Equally important to Tsar Nicoulai’s, and to the sanctity of wild sturgeon, is to educate their consumers on the importance of choosing sustainable caviar.Tsar Nicoulai’s artisanal hand-crafted White Sturgeon caviar is carefully produced without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, GMOs, or synthetic preservatives. In addition to caviar, they also proudly produce a number of products including fresh bullets, Estate smoked sturgeon, and Estate smoked salmon.

Today, Tsar Nicoulai’s is proud of the fact that their farm is recognized as a world leader in sustainable sturgeon production. Their proprietary tank-farming techniques have significantly reduced the threat to declining wild stocks, and their use of water from their own natural aquifers and unique recycling programs have made their business truly earth-friendly.

In fact, Tsar Nicoulai’s farm is virtually its own micro-ecosystem: the filtered water ultimately passes through a 5-acre hydroponic pond. This whole process is designed to clean and recharge the waters so that their fish can swim in the most pristine and mineral rich waters. This thoughtful process results in virtually no mercury, residual pesticides, pollutants or chemicals found in their waters.

Continuing to make news, in July of 2016, Tsar Nicoulai’s caviar was selected and launched with SpaceX to the International Space Station, making them the first American caviar to be sent to space.

Sustainability Partnerships
Total Species
Total Sources

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

3000 km
2000 mi
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Canada - Atlantic
  • Canada - Central & Interior
  • Canada - Northwest
  • Canada - Pacific
  • Central America & Caribbean
  • Europe
  • Mexico
  • Middle East
  • Russia
  • South America
  • South Pacific
  • USA - Alaska
  • USA - California
  • USA - Gulf of Mexico
  • USA - Hawaii
  • USA - Mid Atlantic
  • USA - Midwest
  • USA - New England
  • USA - Pacific Northwest
  • USA - Rockies & Southwest
  • USA - South Atlantic
  • USA - Southeast
  • Worldwide
1 Results: Viewing 1-1 Seafood Products
Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
White Sturgeon
RAS - recirculating aquaculture systems (with wastewater treatment)
Seafood Watch: Best Choice