Clear Springs Foods, Inc
Clear Springs Foods, Inc
Clear Springs Foods, Inc
✕Based in Idaho's Magic Valley, Clear Springs Foods is the world's largest trout farm, raising more than 20 million pounds of rainbow trout each year. Vertically integrated, Clear Springs manufactures its own feed and funds a substantial research and development department to discover suitable plant-based proteins and diminish the need for fish meal. The company has pioneered the introduction of a growing range of value-added rainbow products, including Clear Cuts boneless fillets. They also power Fresh Fish Kitchen, an online resource providing sustainable seafood recipes specifically catered to trout.
Clear Springs Foods, Inc. is proactive in maintaining sustainability both at their company and within Idaho. They manage their waste stream through the manufacturing of an organic liquid fertilizer to supplement animal food production, and have implemented an improvement program to reduce their environmental footprint. Their plant facilities are regularly inspected by the US Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Commerce, US Department of Labor, and third party auditors to ensure food safety, product quality, and employee safety and fair treatment. Effluent water from the farms and processing plant at Clear Springs Foods, Inc. falls under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits, monitored by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and EPA, that set specific waste discharge requirements.
American Fish & Seafood Company - California, USA
Anderson Seafoods Inc. - California, USA
Catanese Classic Seafood - Ohio, USA
Chesapeake Fish Co. - California, USA
Euclid Fish Company - Ohio, USA
Lusamerica Foods, Inc. - California, USA
Mayport C&C Fisheries Inc. - Florida, USA
McRoberts Sales Co., Inc. - Florida, USA
Northeast Seafood Products, Inc. - Colorado, USA
Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC - Washington, USA
Pacific Seafood Group, Inc. - Oregon, USA
Profish Ltd. - Washington D.C., USA
Sam Rust Seafood - Virginia, USA
Samuels & Son Seafood Company, Inc. - Pennsylvania, USA
Santa Monica Seafood, Inc. - California, USA
Sarasota Seafood Company - Florida, USA
Seattle Fish Company - Colorado, USA
Seattle Fish Company of New Mexico - New Mexico, USA
Distribution Regions and Business Locations

- USA - Alaska
- USA - California
- USA - Gulf of Mexico
- USA - Hawaii
- USA - Mid Atlantic
- USA - Midwest
- USA - New England
- USA - Pacific Northwest
- USA - Rockies & Southwest
- USA - South Atlantic
- USA - Southeast
Seafood Product | Origin | Harvest Method | Sustainability Rating |
Rainbow Trout |
Ponds |