2024 Seafood Watch Ratings Updates

Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch uses science-based information to evaluate the most common items available in the North American seafood market against environmental sustainability criteria. Recommendations are updated at least once every three years or as soon as new information is made available, and recommendation updates are released once a month. 2023 Rating updates can be viewed here. 


January | February | March | April | May June | July | August | September | October | November | December




Species Name Origin Method Old SFW Rating New SFW Rating
California Spiny Lobster     USA - California Pots Good Alternative Good Alternative
Rainbow Trout Canada Ponds Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Freshwater Net Pen Good Alternative Best Choice
Raceways Good Alternative Best Choice
Tanks Good Alternative Best Choice




Species Name Origin Method Old SFW Rating New SFW Rating

Arrowtooth Flounder       

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (5DE deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Big Skate   

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)

Set Longline

Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Blackspotted Rockfish     

Canada - North British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Canada - South British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid

Canada - North British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Canada - South British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  

Jig Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid
Set Longline Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid
Troll Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid

Canada - North British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Canada - South British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid

Bocaccio Rockfish     

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canary Rockfish   

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

China Rockfish   Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)   Jig Avoid Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Set Longline Avoid Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Troll Avoid Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Copper Rockfish      Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)   Jig Avoid Avoid
Set Longline Avoid Avoid
Troll Avoid Avoid
Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery)   Jig Avoid Avoid
Set Longline Avoid Avoid
Troll Avoid Avoid

Darkblotched Rockfish 

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl



Canada - British Columbia

Midwater Trawl


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Dover Sole     

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5DE deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

English Sole   

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Flathead Sole

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Greenstriped Rockfish 

Canada - British Columbia 

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Kelp Greenling  

Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery)  


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (lingcod fishery) 


Best Choice

Good Alternative


Best Choice

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  


Good Alternative


Set Longline

Good Alternative



Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery)  


Best Choice


Set Longline

Best Choice



Best Choice


Canada - British Columbia

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Longnose Skate   

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Longspine Thornyhead Rockfish

Canada - British Columbia 

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

North Pacific Spiny Dogfish Shark

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Northern Razor Clam   

Washington - Quinault Indian Nation

Hand Implements

Best Choice

Best Choice

USA - Alaska (Gulf of Alaska)

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - Oregon

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Best Choice

USA - Washington

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Best Choice

Pacific Cod     

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagis fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Pacific Halibut   

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Pacific Ocean Perch Rockfish     

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative


Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative


Petrale Sole     

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Quillback Rockfish     

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Good Alternative


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery)  


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Good Alternative


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Redbanded Rockfish     

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl



Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  




Set Longline






Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline



Canada - British Columbia

Midwater Trawl


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Redstripe Rockfish  

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl


Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl


Good Alternative

Rex Sole   

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Rougheye Rockfish       

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  



Good Alternative

Set Longline


Good Alternative



Good Alternative




Set Longline






Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline


Good Alternative

Set Longline



Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Bottom Trawl



Canada - British Columbia (5DE deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl



Canada - British Columbia 

Midwater Trawl


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (sablefish pot fishery)


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Good Alternative


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Sharpchin Rockfish

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Shortraker Rockfish     

Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline



Canada - British Columbia 

Bottom Trawl


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Midwater Trawl


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  



Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Set Longline


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable



Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Shortspine Thornyhead Rockfish   

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (3CD/5ABC deepwater flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl



Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl



Silvergray Rockfish   

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Southern Rock Sole  

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Spiny Dogfish Shark

Canada - British Columbia

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Splitnose Rockfish

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Tiger Rockfish 

Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery) 


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Walleye Pollock   

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Canada - British Columbia (5DE pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Widow Rockfish  

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl


Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl


Good Alternative

Yelloweye Rockfish        

Canada - British Columbia (sablefish longline fishery)

Set Longline


Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery)  


Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Good Alternative


Good Alternative

Good Alternative


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery)  



Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Set Longline


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable



Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Canada - British Columbia (spiny dogfish longline fishery)

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Yellowmouth Rockfish 

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Best Choice

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Yellowtail Rockfish          

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE shallow water flatfish fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (rockfish trawl fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (3CD rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC pelagics fishery)

Bottom Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (5ABC/5DE rockfish trawl fishery)

Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - British Columbia (inside rockfish fishery) 


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Canada - British Columbia (outside rockfish fishery) 



Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Set Longline

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable 




Species Name Origin Method Old SFW Rating New SFW Rating
California Yellowtail Amberjack   USA - California   Drift Gillnet Good Alternative Avoid
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Avoid
Handlines and hand-operated pole-and-lines Good Alternative Good Alternative
Giant Sea Bass  USA - California  Drift Gillnet Avoid Avoid
Set Gillnet Avoid Avoid
Lake Herring     Canada - Ontario (Lake Superior) Gillnets and entangling nets Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior) Gillnets and entangling nets Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior, Tribal fishery) Gillnets and entangling nets Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior) Gillnets and entangling nets Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior, Tribal fishery) Gillnets and entangling nets Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Lake Trout             USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1836 treaty waters, Tribal fishery)  Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1842 treaty waters, Tribal fishery) Set Gillnet Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Michigan, Tribal fishery)  Set Gillnet Good Alternative Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Good Alternative Best Choice
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior, Tribal fishery) Set Gillnet Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior)  Set Gillnet Best Choice Best Choice
Barriers, fences, weirs, corrals Best Choice Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior, Tribal fishery)  Set Gillnet Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior)  Set Gillnet Avoid Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Avoid Best Choice
Canada - Ontario (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Good Alternative
Lake Whitefish                USA - Michigan (Lake Michigan, Tribal fishery)  Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Michigan) Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Good Alternative Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1836 treaty waters, Tribal fishery)  Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Good Alternative
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1836 treaty waters, State fishery) Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Good Alternative Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1842 treaty waters, State fishery) Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior, 1842 treaty waters, Tribal fishery) Set Gillnet Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Michigan)   Bottom Trawl Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Best Choice Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior)  Set Gillnet Avoid Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Avoid Best Choice
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior, Tribal fishery)  Set Gillnet Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Best Choice
Canada - Ontario (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Good Alternative
Rainbow Smelt Canada - Lake Superior Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior) Stationary uncovered pound nets Best Choice Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Stationary uncovered pound nets Best Choice Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Walleye USA - Michigan (Lake Michigan, Tribal fishery) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Good Alternative
Stationary uncovered pound nets (trap nets) Good Alternative Good Alternative
Canada - Ontario (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Good Alternative
USA - Minnesota (Lake Superior) Barriers, fences, weirs, corrals Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Avoid Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
White Seabass USA - California  Drift Gillnet Good Alternative Avoid
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Avoid
Handlines and hand-operated pole-and-lines Good Alternative Good Alternative
Yellow Perch Canada - Lake Superior Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Michigan (Lake Michigan) Barriers, fences, weirs, corrals Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Michigan (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable
USA - Wisconsin (Lake Superior) Set Gillnet Good Alternative Seafood Watch - Not Applicable





Species Name Origin Method Old SFW Rating New SFW Rating

Bay Scallops

USA - Massachusetts

Towed Dredges

Good Alternative Good Alternative

USA - New York

Towed Dredges

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Nile Tilapia


Freshwater Net Pen

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid


Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Avoid

Freshwater Net Pen (mega-sized farms)

Good Alternative Good Alternative

Striped Bass

USA - Chesapeake Bay

Handlines and hand-operated pole-and-lines

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Stationary uncovered pound nets

Avoid Good Alternative

USA - Maryland

Gillnets and entangling nets

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

USA - Northwest Atlantic

Fyke nets

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Stationary uncovered pound nets

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative

Gillnets and entangling nets

Avoid Good Alternative

Handlines and hand-operated pole-and-lines

Good Alternative Good Alternative

USA - Virginia (Chesapeake Bay)

Gillnets and entangling nets

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable Good Alternative





Species Name



Old SFW Rating

New SFW Rating

Deepsea Crab



Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Northern Quahog Clam 

Canada (Maritimes)

Hand Implements

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Good Alternative

Canada (Gulf)

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - Maine

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - Massachusetts

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - New Jersey

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - New York

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - North Carolina

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

USA - Rhode Island

Hand Implements

Best Choice

Best Choice

Pacific Geoduck Clam

Canada - British Columbia

Bottom Culture

Good Alternative

Best Choice

USA - Washington

Bottom Culture

Good Alternative

Best Choice

Softshell Clam

Canada (Gulf)

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada (Maritimes)

Hand Implements

Good Alternative

Good Alternative

Canada - Quebec

Hand Implements

Best Choice

Best Choice





Species Name



Old SFW Rating

New SFW Rating

Atlantic Herring  

USA - Northwest Atlantic  

Small mesh bottom trawl

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Midwater Trawl

Good Alternative


Purse Seine

Best Choice

Good Alternative

Atlantic Mackerel  

Canada - Northwest Atlantic

Purse Seine



USA - Northwest Atlantic 

Midwater Trawl



Small mesh bottom trawl



Blacktail Snapper  

USA - Hawaii  

Handlines and hand-operated pole and lines

Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Surrounding nets

Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Bluestriped Snapper  

USA - Hawaii  

Handlines and hand-operated pole and lines

Good Alternative

Best Choice

Surrounding nets

Best Choice

Best Choice

Gillnets and entangling nets

Best Choice

Best Choice

Whiteleg Shrimp









Species Name



Old SFW Rating

New SFW Rating

Blue Tilapia



Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Hybrid Red Tilapia



Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Nile Tilapia



Best Choice

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable


Freshwater Net Pen

Good Alternative

Seafood Watch - Not Applicable

Rainbow Trout


Freshwater Net Pen


Good Alternative



Good Alternative



Good Alternative