Ocean Wise

Program Description

Ocean Wise’s recommendations are based on 4 criteria. An Ocean Wise recommended species is:

  1. Abundant and resilient to fishing pressures.
  2. Well managed with a comprehensive management plan based on current research.
  3. Harvested in a method that ensures limited bycatch on non-target and endangered species.
  4. Harvested in ways that limit damage to marine or aquatic habitats and negative interactions with other species.

Ocean Wise’s classification system is based on two categories: sustainable (Ocean Wise) or unsustainable (not recommended Ocean Wise). Species are regularly updated and/or reclassified with the latest scientific information.

General Rule of Recommendations

Ocean Wise recommendations are generated from assessments using the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program methodology: Wild Capture Criteria and Aquaculture Criteria.


Final Score for Aquaculture = geometric mean of the eight scores (Criterion 1-8).

Symbol Seafood Rating Seafood Rating Summary
Seafood Watch Scoring
Ocean Wise Recommended RECOMMENDED*


Wild Fisheries: Final Seafood Watch score ≥ 2.8
Aquaculture: Final Seafood Watch score ≥ 5.5
Ocean Wise Not Recommended NOT RECOMMENDED Unsustainable Wild Fisheries: Final Seafood Watch score < 2.8
Aquaculture: Final Seafood Watch score < 5.5

*Products posted on FishChoice primarily under the Ocean Wise ratings must be "Recommended.

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