Kelly's Fresh Fish

Kelly's Fresh Fish

CSF, Fisher, Online Retail
WA, United States
Contact Information

With over 25 years of experience in the seafood industry, Kelly’s Fresh Fish of Kent, WA brings fresh halibut and salmon to the Seattle and Tacoma areas. Sustainability plays a key role in their business as they strive to protect the stocks of fish they catch to ensure successful harvests for years to come.

Quality is paramount at Kelly’s Fresh Fish, and as such, they are involved in the entirety of the fishing process from boat to table. Their fish are caught at the peak of their life cycle, at times when the feeding patterns of the fish can be rather ferocious. Often times their catch comes aboard with baitfish still lodged in their mouths which significantly adds to the high oil content and omega-3 fatty acids that give their fish their impeccable flavor.

To ensure the highest quality and freshest of seafood for their customers, Kelly's Fresh Fish are only off ice for less than 5 minutes during the scaling process while in their care. The fish are then placed in insulated fish totes buried in more ice to ensure that upon delivery their customers are getting the best product possible.

Total Species
Total Sources
Sources Posted

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

100 km
100 mi
  • Online
  • USA - Pacific Northwest
5 Results: Viewing 1-5 Seafood Products
Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
Chinook Salmon
USA - Washington (North of Cape Falcon)
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Coho Salmon
USA - Washington (North of Cape Falcon)
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
USA - West Coast
Handlines and Hand-Operated Pole-and-Lines
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Pacific Halibut
Unassessed Origin
Unassessed Fishing Methods
Seafood Watch: Unrated
Yellowtail Rockfish
Unassessed Origin
Unassessed Fishing Methods
Seafood Watch: Unrated