Mariner Neptune

Mariner Neptune

Distributor, Importer, Processor, Wholesaler
IA, United States
Contact Information

Mariner Neptune is a seafood supplier distributing products to restaurants, grocery stores, and wholesalers across Canada. They are a full-service distribution company open to specialty requests from customers and are well equipped to cater to their needs. The high demand for Mariner Neptune products allows them to streamline the availability of products, and buy larger volumes more regularly, which means better quality and lower prices.

Established in 1994, the company operates out of Winnipeg and is committed to supplying high quality “center of the plate” items. To do so, Mariner Neptune has implemented a federally registered industry standard for fish and seafood plants in Canada, which incorporates principles of the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) program. This ensures that customers are receiving safe products supplied from one of the many Mariner Neptune affiliates from around the world.

Sustainability Partnerships
Ocean Wise
Total Species
Total Sources

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

500 km
500 mi
  • Canada - Atlantic
  • Canada - Central & Interior
  • Canada - Northwest
  • Canada - Pacific
22 Results: Viewing 1-22 Seafood Products
Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
Atlantic Salmon
Unassessed Origin
Unassessed Farming Methods
Ocean Wise: Unrated
Bay Scallops
On-Bottom Culture
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Blue Mussels
Suspended Culture
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Coho Salmon
Canada - British Columbia (North Coast)
Purse Seine - Unassociated
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Coho Salmon
Canada - British Columbia (North Coast)
Trolling Lines
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Coho Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended
Coho Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Purse Seine
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended
Coho Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Drift Gillnets
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Coho Salmon
Canada - British Columbia (North Coast)
Drift Gillnets
Ocean Wise: Unrated
Pacific Cod
USA - Alaska - Bering Sea Aleutian Islands
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Pacific Cod
USA - Alaska - Bering Sea Aleutian Islands
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Pacific Cod
Canada - British Columbia
Bottom Trawls
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended
Pacific Halibut
Canada - British Columbia (MSC)
Bottom Longline
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended
Pacific Halibut
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Bottom Longline
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Rainbow Trout
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Rainbow Trout
Canada - Ontario
Freshwater Net Pens
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Sockeye Salmon
Canada - British Columbia
Ocean Wise: Unrated
Sockeye Salmon
Canada - British Columbia
Purse Seine
Ocean Wise: Unrated
Sockeye Salmon
Canada - British Columbia
Ocean Wise: Unrated
Sockeye Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Drift Gillnets
Ocean Wise: Recommended
Sockeye Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Purse Seine
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended
Sockeye Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Ocean Wise: Not Recommended