F/V Rimrack
F/V Rimrack
F/V Rimrack
✕The F/V (fishing vessel) Rimrack is a family owned fishing business located at scenic Rye Harbor N.H. Their catches are harvested from Mother Natures clean coastal waters off N.H.s historic Isles of Shoals, including Stellwagon Bank to Cape Cod in the Gulf of Maine. F/V RImrack has been in the fishing business since the 1970s, when Mike, also known as the nice guy from Rye, left his role as an educator to devote himself fulltime to his passion as a fisherman. After living around the world as a military brat, his wife Padi longed for roots and found them on N.H.s seacoast, starting Rye businesses Whaleback Fish & Lobster Market, Atlantic Fishing Fleet and Capt. Mindys Fishing. Eventually, she took time off to raise a family and spent her spare time working on Ryes Conservation Commission, farming, coaching soccer and helping Mike with the family boats, F/V Parental Guidance, F/V Madrigan and F/V Rimrack. Over the years commercial fishing has changed from an Old Man of the Seas experience to the implementation of regulatory changes much like those seen in farming since the 1970s. Where they shared relationships with neighbors and tourists who came to the docks to enjoy the fish harvested, Mike and Padi found themselves consumed with compliance and bureaucratic mazes for years that effectively ended those relationships. As one of the few remaining groundfishing businesses in N.H., our goal today, much like our farmers, is to reclaim our heritage, our choices and the timeless values of bringing fish directly to you.
Distribution Regions and Business Locations

- Online
- USA - New England
Seafood Product | Origin | Harvest Method | Sustainability Rating |
Atlantic Herring |
USA - Northwest Atlantic |
Midwater Trawl | |
Longfin Squid |
USA - Mid-Atlantic (MSC) |
Bottom Trawls |