Chelsea Farms

Chelsea Farms

WA, United States
Contact Information

Established in 1987, Chelsea Farms is based in Eld Inlet in Puget Sound. Started by John and Linda Lentz, the couple innovated the tide tumbling method of oyster farming where the bagged oysters tumble as the tides rise and fall twice a day. Chelsea Gems (the original tide tumbled Pacific oysters) are currently grown in version 3.0 of the tide tumbling method.

Today, the farm is managed by the next generation of the Lentz family- Kyle and Shina. Their passion for carrying on nearly 30 years of tradition is evident in how Chelsea farms uses the whole beach to raise both Pacific oysters and manila clams. The entire operation is in concert with Mother Nature as the bays of Puget Sound where the business farms provide all the sun, food, and clean sea water they need to thrive. Chelsea Farms’ oysters are great for those new to oysters as the off-bottom growing method produces a flavor that resembles the water more than the land. Oyster connoisseurs will taste subtle flavors of cucumber, horseradish, and slate while slurping from deep cupped shells.

The farm also grows manila clams and geoducks which are produced with the same passion as the farm's staple Chelsea Gems.

Total Species
Total Sources

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

1000 km
500 mi
  • Canada - Atlantic
  • Canada - Central & Interior
  • Canada - Northwest
  • Canada - Pacific
  • USA - Alaska
  • USA - California
  • USA - Gulf of Mexico
  • USA - Hawaii
  • USA - Mid Atlantic
  • USA - Midwest
  • USA - New England
  • USA - Pacific Northwest
  • USA - Rockies & Southwest
  • USA - South Atlantic
  • USA - Southeast
2 Results: Viewing 1-2 Seafood Products
Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
Manila Clams
On-Bottom Culture
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Pacific Oysters
Off-Bottom Culture
Seafood Watch: Best Choice