Blueyou Ltd.

Blueyou Ltd.

ZH, Switzerland
Contact Information

Progressively responsible seafood sourcing can certainly be a challenge. While there are existing fisheries and aquaculture operations that are widely recognized as sustainable, there are still significant challenges facing some of the most popular seafood choices on the market today.

Blueyou Ltd. strives to be at the forefront of transforming global seafood production towards a more sustainable future. They believe in the potential of consumer markets to help facilitate this challenging transformation. 

Implementing more sustainable fishery and aquaculture practices by means of market incentives is Blueyou Ltd.'s core area of focus and expertise. Blueyou develops projects that house elements essential to their credibility including the use of third-party auditors and product traceability. 

A primary example of this work is demonstrated by their Selva Shrimp® program. The first farmed shrimp from Southeast Asia to receive a "Best Choice" rating from the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program. This premium quality black tiger prawn is also recognized in Canada as an Ocean Wise recommendation. Selva Shrimp® is naturally raised in mangrove forests and offers not only a sustainable product but also creates a direct link between consumers and smallholder farming communities in Southeast Asia.

Another groundbreaking project was the development of the world's first shelf-stable seafood product to be certified by Fair Trade. The program works in conjunction with Maldivian canners and pole and line fishers to ensure local workers are provided a fair income. Along with the MSC certification, the project is the first and only dually certified seafood program in the world.

Along with their proprietary program and associated brand development, Blueyou offers their services to help develop and refine new or existing Fishery and Aquaculture Improvement Programs (FIP/AIP) worldwide. Foodservice, hospitality, and seafood distributors can also benefit from their services, which includes the development of seafood policies and sourcing criteria along with the analysis of existing seafood offerings. Seafood producers can take advantage of their understanding of various NGO models to have their products assessed, assist with the improvement of seafood supply chains, or perhaps impact assessments of seafood production.

  • C2C Premium Seafood - British Columbia, Canada
  • Calkins & Burke - British Columbia, Canada
  • Centennial Foodservice - Alberta, Canada
  • Ipswich Shellfish Group - Massachusetts, USA
  • Santa Monica Seafood - California, USA
  • Seacore Seafood - Ontario, Canada
Seafood Certifications

Marine Stewardship Council Certified

  • MSC-C-53962

Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certification

  • ASC-C-00401
Sustainability Partnerships
FisheryProgress Logo
Total Species
Total Sources

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

Zentralstrasse 156
8003 Zurich